Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Article review of Can Hamas Be Tamed Research Paper

Article review of Can Hamas Be Tamed - Research Paper Example Author however, further argues that this may not be the case as those organizations which took part into the elections and actually changed their political philosophy has little correlation with Hamas and that the overall evidence is really weak. Author also presented a history of Hamas and how it gradually evolved over the period of time. Evolved as an off-shoot of Islamic Brotherhood, Hamas operates based on the political philosophy of confronting with Israel and use violent means to achieve the same. After the death of Arafat, Hamas rolled itself as a political party and took part in the elections and subsequently won the election also. This participation by Hamas was however, not welcomed by both Israel and US despite the fact that Hamas actually made a transition towards participating in the overall democratic process within the country. Author further argued about the possibility of changing in the overall political ideology of Hamas due to Oslo Peace Process. Analysis Author h as presented two views about the participation of organizations like Hamas in the overall political process within country. ... According to Author, the skeptical view may hold because given the overall history of Hamas and the history of those organizations which actually participated into the overall political process is relatively less. Those organizations which have already participated into the liberal process were radically different from what Hamas preaches. Traditional history of violent groups also suggests that they may arise as a result of the suppression from the regime. Middle Eastern regimes often used the means to suppress any opposition against themselves and as such movements like Hamas can therefore easily find recruits who can participate in their struggle to overthrow regimes which work against the general interest of the masses. Author has also presented an alternative view according to which the diverse political opinions and the concern to attract votes, illiberal parties can make a transition to liberal ideologies if they participate into the election process. This argument is theoreti cal in nature and advocate that evidence does suggest that those groups who actually participate into election process ultimately become liberal in their overall ideologies. As such parties like Hamas therefore are considered as the subjects who can make a transition to liberal ideologies if given the chance. Author however, also argues that the overall political participation of the groups like Hamas also largely depends upon the local political context also. Author argues that the presence of a vibrant and strong political system is necessary in order to help organizations like Hamas to make a move towards more liberal ideologies. Further, according to author, it takes time for liberal ideologies to take roots in parties like

Monday, October 28, 2019

Higher education Essay Example for Free

Higher education Essay 1. Introduction IT HAS BEEN A LONG FELT NECESSITY TO ALIGN HIGHER EDUCATION WITH THE EMERGING NEEDS OF THE ECONOMY SO AS TO ENSURE THAT THE GRADUATES OF HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM HAVE ADEQUATE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS FOR EMPLOYMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP. THE HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM HAS TO INCORPORATE THE REQUIREMENTS OF VARIOUS INDUSTRIES IN ITS CURRICULUM, IN AN INNOVATIVE AND FLEXIBLE MANNER WHILE DEVELOPING A HOLISTIC AND WELL GROOMED GRADUATE. MINISTRY OF HRD, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA HAD ISSUED AN EXECUTIVE ORDER IN SEPTEMBER 2011 FOR NATIONAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATION QUALIFICATION FRAMEWORK (NVEQF). SUBSEQUENTLY, MINISTRY OF FINANCE, IN PURSUANCE OF  THE DECISION OF CABINET COMMITTEE ON SKILL DEVELOPMENT IN ITS MEETING held on 19th December, 2013, has issued a notification for National Skills QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK (NSQF) WHICH SUPERSEDES NVEQF. UNDER THE NATIONAL SKILLS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, MANY SECTOR SKILL COUNCILS REPRESENTING RESPECTIVE INDUSTRIES HAVE/ARE BEING ESTABLISHED. ONE OF THE MANDATES OF SECTOR SKILL COUNCILS IS TO DEVELOP NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS (NOSS) FOR VARIOUS JOB ROLES IN THEIR RESPECTIVE INDUSTRIES. IT IS IMPORTANT TO EMBED THE COMPETENCIES REQUIRED FOR SPECIFIC JOB ROLES IN THE HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM FOR CREATING EMPLOYABLE  GRADUATES. THE UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION (UGC) HAS LAUNCHED A SCHEME ON SKILLS DEVELOPMENT BASED HIGHER EDUCATION AS PART OF COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY EDUCATION, LEADING TO BACHELOR OF VOCATION (B. VOC. ) DEGREE WITH MULTIPLE EXITS SUCH AS DIPLOMA/ADVANCED DIPLOMA UNDER THE NSQF. THE B. VOC. PROGRAMME IS FOCUSED ON UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES PROVIDING UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES WHICH WOULD ALSO INCORPORATE SPECIFIC JOB ROLES AND THEIR NOSS ALONGWITH BROAD BASED GENERAL EDUCATION. THIS WOULD ENABLE THE GRADUATES COMPLETING B. VOC. TO MAKE A MEANINGFUL PARTICIPATION IN ACCELERATING INDIA’S ECONOMY BY GAINING APPROPRIATE  EMPLOYMENT, BECOMING ENTREPRENEURS AND CREATING APPROPRIATE KNOWLEDGE. UGC? GUIDELINES? FOR? B. Voc.? 2 2. Objectives 2. 1 To provide judicious mix of skills relating to a profession and appropriate CONTENT OF GENERAL EDUCATION. 2. 2 To ensure that the students have adequate knowledge and skills, so that THEY ARE WORK READY AT EACH EXIT POINT OF THE PROGRAMME. 2. 3 To provide flexibility to the students by means of pre-defined entry and MULTIPLE EXIT POINTS. 2. 4 To integrate NSQF within the undergraduate level of higher education in ORDER TO ENHANCE EMPLOYABILITY OF THE GRADUATES AND MEET INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTS. SUCH GRADUATES APART FROM MEETING THE NEEDS OF LOCAL AND NATIONAL INDUSTRY ARE ALSO EXPECTED TO BE EQUIPPED TO BECOME PART OF THE GLOBAL WORKFORCE. 2. 5 To provide vertical mobility to students coming out of 10+2 with VOCATIONAL SUBJECTS. 3. Levels of Awards THE CERTIFICATION LEVELS WILL LEAD TO DIPLOMA/ADVANCED DIPLOMA/B. VOC. DEGREE IN ONE OR MORE VOCATIONAL AREAS AND WILL BE OFFERED UNDER THE AEGIS OF THE UNIVERSITY. THIS IS OUT-LINED IN TABLE I. TABLE 1: AWARDS AWARD DURATION CORRESPONDING NSQF LEVEL DIPLOMA 1 YEAR 5 ADVANCED DIPLOMA 2 YEARS 6 B. VOC. DEGREE 3 YEARS 7 EACH OF THE AWARDS SHALL SPECIFY WITHIN PARENTHESIS, THE SKILL(S) SPECIALIZATION FOR EXAMPLE: ? B. Voc. (Renewably Energy Management) ? B. Voc. (Retail Management) ? B. Voc. (Retail Management and IT) ? Advanced Diploma (Food Processing) ? Advanced Diploma (Health Care) ? Advanced Diploma (Hospitality and Tourism) ? Diploma (Green House Technology) ? Diploma (BPO) ? Diploma (Jewellery Designing) UGC? GUIDELINES? FOR? B. Voc.? 3 A suggestive list of vocational sectors and related specializations is given below: Universities and colleges may like to identify additional sectors/specializations in view of the potential for employment in the local industries and meet the standards laid  down by National Occupational Standards. No. Sector Specialization 1. Automobiles 1. Engine Testing 2. Vehicle Testing 3. Vehicle Quality 4. Auto Electricals and Electronics. 5. Farm Equipment and Machinery 2. Entertainment 1. Theatre and Stage Craft 2. Contemporary Western Dance 3. Theatre studies 4. Acting 3. Information Technology 1. Software Development 4 Telecommunications 1. Mobile Communication 5. Marketing 1. Retail 6. Agriculture 1. Farm Machinery and Power Engineering 2. Green House Technology 3. Renewable Energy 4. Processing and Food Engineering 5. Soil and Water Conservation 7. Construction 1. Building Technology 8. Applied Arts 1. Fashion Technology 2. Interior Design 3. Jewellery Design 9. Tourism 1. Tourism and Service Industry 10. Printing and Publishing 1. Printing Technology UGC? GUIDELINES? FOR? B. Voc.? 4 4. ELIGIBILITY /TARGET ALL UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES INCLUDED UNDER SECTIONS 2(F) AND 12(B) OF THE UGC ACT, 1956 AND RECEIVING PLAN GRANT FROM THE UGC ARE ELIGIBLE FOR UGC FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE UNDER THE SCHEME. 5. ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION IN B. VOC. THE ELIGIBILITY CONDITION FOR ADMISSION TO B. VOC. PROGRAMME SHALL BE 10+2 OR EQUIVALENT, IN ANY STREAM. 6. CURRICULUM 6. 1 THE CURRICULUM IN EACH OF THE YEARS OF THE PROGRAMME WOULD BE A. SUITABLE MIX OF GENERAL EDUCATION AND SKILL DEVELOPMENT COMPONENTS. CURRICULUM DETAILS SHOULD BE WORKED BEFORE INTRODUCTION OF THE COURSES. 6. 2 SKILL DEVELOPMENT COMPONENTS: (I) THE FOCUS OF SKILL DEVELOPMENT COMPONENTS SHALL BE TO EQUIP STUDENTS WITH APPROPRIATE KNOWLEDGE, PRACTICE AND ATTITUDE, SO AS TO BECOME WORK READY. THE SKILL DEVELOPMENT COMPONENTS SHOULD BE RELEVANT TO THE INDUSTRIES AS PER THEIR REQUIREMENTS. (II) THE CURRICULUM SHOULD NECESSARILY EMBED WITHIN ITSELF, NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS (NOSS) OF SPECIFIC JOB ROLES WITHIN THE INDUSTRY SECTOR(S). THIS WOULD ENABLE THE STUDENTS TO MEET THE  LEARNING OUTCOMES SPECIFIED IN THE NOSS. (III) THE OVERALL DESIGN OF THE SKILL DEVELOPMENT COMPONENT ALONG WITH THE JOB ROLES SELECTED SHOULD BE SUCH THAT IT LEADS TO A COMPREHENSIVE SPECIALIZATION IN ONE OR TWO DOMAINS. (IV) IN CASE NOS IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR A SPECIFIC AREA / JOB ROLE, THE UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE SHOULD GET THE CURRICULUM FOR THIS DEVELOPED IN CONSULTATION WITH INDUSTRY EXPERTS. (V) THE CURRICULUM SHOULD ALSO FOCUS ON WORK-READINESS SKILLS IN EACH OF THE THREE YEARS. (VI) ADEQUATE ATTENTION NEEDS TO BE GIVEN IN CURRICULUM DESIGN TO PRACTICAL WORK, ON THE JOB TRAINING, DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENT  PORTFOLIOS AND PROJECT WORK. UGC? GUIDELINES? FOR? B. Voc.? 5 6. 3 GENERAL EDUCATION COMPONENT: (i) The general education component should adhere to the normal UNIVERSITY STANDARDS. IT SHOULD EMPHASISE AND OFFER COURSES WHICH PROVIDE HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT. HOWEVER, IT SHOULD NOT EXCEED 40% OF THE TOTAL CURRICULUM. (ii) Adequate emphasis should be given to language and COMMUNICATION SKILLS. 6. 4 THE CURRICULUM SHOULD BE DESIGNED IN A MANNER THAT AT THE END OF YEAR- 1, YEAR-2 AND YEAR-3, STUDENTS ARE ABLE TO MEET BELOW MENTIONED LEVEL DESCRIPTORS FOR LEVEL 5, 6 AND 7 OF NSQF, RESPECTIVELY: Level Process required  Professional knowledge Professional skill Core skill Responsibili ty Level 5 Job that requires well developed skill, with clear choice of procedures in familiar context Knowledge of facts, principles, processes and general concepts, in a field of work or study A range of cognitive and practical skills required to accomplish tasks and solve problems by selecting and applying basic methods, tools materials and information Desired mathematical skill, understandin g of social, political and some skill of collecting and organizing information, communicati on. Responsibilit y for own work and learning and some responsibility  for other’s works and learning Level 6 Demands wide range of specialized technical skill, clarity of knowledge and practice in broad range of activity involving standard / non-standard practices Factual and theoretical knowledge in broad contexts within a field of work or study A range of cognitive and practical skills required to generate solutions to specific problems in a field of work or study Reasonably good in mathematical calculation, understandin g of social, political and, reasonably good in data collecting organizing information, and logical communicati on Responsibilit y for own work and learning and full  responsibility for other’s works and learning UGC? GUIDELINES? FOR? B. Voc.? 6 Level 7 Requires a command of wide ranging specialized theoretical and practical skill, involving variable routine and non-routine context Wide ranging, factual and theoretical knowledge in broad contexts within a field of work or study Wide range of cognitive and practical skills required to generate solutions to specific problems in a field of work or study Good logical and mathematical skill understandin g of social political and natural environment good in collecting and organizing information, communicati on and presentation skill  Full responsibility for output of group and development a. Professional knowledge is what a learner should know and understand WITH REFERENCE TO THE SUBJECT. b. Professional skills are what a learner should be able to do. c. Core skills refer to basic skills involving dexterity and use of methods, MATERIALS, TOOLS AND INSTRUMENTS USED TO PERFORM THE JOB INCLUDING IT SKILLS NEEDED FOR THAT JOB. d. Responsibility aspect determines the (i) nature of working relationship, (ii) LEVEL OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR SELF AND OTHERS, (III) MANAGING CHANGE AND (IV) ACCOUNTABILITY FOR ACTIONS. 6. 5 Guidelines for credit calculations. 6. 5. 1 THIS SECTION CONTAINS CREDIT FRAMEWORK GUIDELINES. THE UNIVERSITY/ COLLEGE SHOULD USE THESE GUIDELINES OR ADAPT THEM. 6. 5. 2 THE FOLLOWING FORMULA SHOULD BE USED FOR CONVERSION OF TIME INTO CREDIT HOURS. a) One Credit would mean equivalent of 15 periods of 60 minutes EACH, FOR THEORY, WORKSHOPS/LABS AND TUTORIALS; b) For internship/field work, the credit weightage for equivalent hours SHALL BE 50% OF THAT FOR LECTURES/WORKSHOPS; c) For self-learning, based on e-content or otherwise, the credit WEIGHTAGE FOR EQUIVALENT HOURS OF STUDY SHOULD BE 50% OR LESS OF THAT FOR LECTURES/WORKSHOPS. UGC? GUIDELINES? FOR? B. Voc.? 7 6. 5. 3 THE SUGGESTED CREDITS FOR EACH OF THE YEARS ARE AS FOLLOWS: TABLE 3 NSQF Level Skill Component Credits General Education Credits Normal calendar duration Exit Points / Awards Year 3 36 24 Six Semesters B. Voc. Year 2 36 24 Four semesters Advanced Diploma Year 1 36 24 Two semesters Diploma TOTAL 108 72 6. 6 THE UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE SHOULD DEVELOP THE CURRICULUM IN CONSULTATION WITH INDUSTRY. THE INDUSTRY REPRESENTATIVES SHOULD BE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ACADEMIC BODIES OF THE UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE. WHILE DOING SO, THEY SHOULD WORK TOWARDS ALIGNING THE SKILLS COMPONENTS OF THE CURRICULUM  WITH THE NOSS DEVELOPED BY THE RESPECTIVE SECTOR SKILL COUNCILS. 6. 7 THE PRACTICAL/HANDS-ON PORTION OF THE SKILLS DEVELOPMENT COMPONENTS OF THE CURRICULUM SHOULD BE TRANSACTED NORMALLY IN FACE TO FACE MODE, EITHER WITHIN THE INSTITUTION OR AT A SPECIFIED INDUSTRY PARTNER LOCATION. HOWEVER, IF DUE TO THE NATURE OF THE SKILL TO BE LEARNT, THE INDUSTRY PRESCRIBES ITS ACQUISITION THROUGH BLENDED OR DISTANCE MODE, THE SAME MAY BE FOLLOWED. IN NUTSHELL, THE EMPHASIS SHOULD BE ON LEARNING OUTCOME AND NOT THE INPUT AND PROCESSES. THE GENERAL EDUCATION COMPONENT OF THE CURRICULUM MAY BE TRANSACTED IN ANY MODE WITHOUT COMPROMISING ON QUALITY. 6. 8 THE SPECIALIZATION CHOSEN BY THE UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE SHOULD BE BASED ON THE EXISTING/FORECASTED SKILL GAPS IN THE INDUSTRY. 6. 9 RELEVANCE OF PROGRAMMES OFFERED, ALONG WITH THAT OF THE CURRICULUM IS IMPORTANT. THEREFORE, MONITORING, EVALUATION AND UPDATING OF THE CURRICULUM NEEDS TO BE DONE PERIODICALLY IN CONSULTATION WITH INDUSTRY, KEEPING IN VIEW THEIR REQUIREMENTS AND CHANGES IN NOSS. THE UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE SHOULD INCORPORATE THIS AS A CONTINUOUS AND DYNAMIC PROCESS IN-BUILT IN THEIR SYSTEM. 6. 10 THE UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE SHOULD APPROPRIATELY USE TECHNOLOGY TO IMPROVE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE DELIVERY OF COURSES. UGC? GUIDELINES? FOR? B. Voc.? 8 7. EXAMINATION AND ASSESSMENT 7. 1 THE ASSESSMENT FOR THE GENERAL EDUCATION COMPONENT SHOULD BE DONE BY THE UNIVERSITY AS PER THEIR PREVAILING STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES. 7. 2 THE ASSESSMENT FOR THE SKILL DEVELOPMENT COMPONENTS SHOULD NECESSARILY FOCUS ON PRACTICAL DEMONSTRATIONS OF THE SKILLS ACQUIRED. THE UNIVERSITY MAY LIKE TO CONSULT THE RESPECTIVE SECTOR SKILL COUNCIL FOR DESIGNING THE EXAMINATION AND ASSESSMENT PATTERN FOR THE SKILL DEVELOPMENT COMPONENTS. THE UNIVERSITY MAY ALSO CONSIDER USING THE DESIGNATED ASSESSORS OF SECTOR SKILL COUNCILS/INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONS FOR THE CONDUCT OF PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT. 7. 3 THE UNIVERSITY HAS TO NECESSARILY ESTABLISH A CREDIT BASED ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION SYSTEM FOR THE B. VOC. PROGRAMME. 8. INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACULTY FOR B. VOC. PROGRAMME 8. 1 UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE NEEDS TO HAVE ADEQUATE LABORATORY /WORKSHOP FACILITIES FOR FACE TO FACE DELIVERY OF SKILLS AND HANDS-ON PRACTICE EITHER OWNED OR ARRANGED THROUGH TIE-UP WITH THE PARTNER INDUSTRY OR ANY INSTITUTION RECOGNIZED BY THE CERTIFICATION AGENCY. 8. 2 THE UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE SHOULD USE ITS REGULAR FACULTY FOR THE CONDUCT OF GENERAL EDUCATION COMPONENT AND ALSO FOR THE SKILLS COMPONENTS, IF  EXISTING. ADDITIONALLY, THEY MAY HIRE FACULTY ON CONTRACTUAL BASIS AND GUEST FACULTY IN THE CORE TRADES ONLY AS PER UGC NORMS. 8. 3 THERE IS A PROVISION OF ONE ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR AND TWO ASSISTANT PROFESSORS (PURELY ON CONTRACTUAL BASIS DURING XII PLAN PERIOD), UNDER THIS SCHEME. 9. STUDENT FEE STUDENT FEE SHOULD BE DECIDED AS PER THE PREVALENT MECHANISM FOR FEE FIXATION FOR AIDED COURSES IN THE UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE. 10. OTHER CONDITIONS 10. 1 THE UNIVERSITY HAS TO NECESSARILY ADOPT A CREDIT BASED ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION SYSTEM IN SEMESTER MODE FOR THE B. VOC. PROGRAMME. 10. 2 THE B. VOC. PROGRAMME SHOULD BE EVALUATED AND MONITORED BY THE UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE THROUGH ITS EXISTING MECHANISM OR BY SETTING UP AN ALTERNATE MECHANISM, WITH INVOLVEMENT OF INDUSTRY REPRESENTATIVES. UGC? GUIDELINES? FOR? B. Voc.? 9 10. 3 UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE SHOULD DEVELOP BYE-LAWS FOR RUNNING THE B. VOC. DEGREE PROGRAMME. 10. 4 BYE-LAWS FOR THE COURSE SHOULD INCLUDE PROVISION OF REJOINING OR RE- ADMISSION TO THE COURSE DURING THE PERIOD AND COUNSELING/ MECHANISM FOR PROPER SELECTION OF SPECIALIZATION BY THE STUDENTS AT THE TIME OF ADMISSION. 10. 5 A COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY SHOULD OFFER A MINIMUM OF 2 SKILL SPECIALIZATIONS. UNDER THE B. VOC. PROGRAMME. 11. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE THE FINANCIAL ALLOCATION WILL BE MADE BY UGC WITHIN OVERALL CEILING OF RS. 1. 85 CRORES FOR A PERIOD OF THREE YEARS UNDER DIFFERENT HEADS AS GIVEN BELOW: 11. 1 START-UP ASSISTANCE: A ONE-TIME START-UP ASSISTANCE OF RS. 50. 00 LAKH FOR SETTING UP OF LABORATORIES/WORKSHOPS FACILITIES, PROCUREMENT OF TEACHING AND LEARNING MATERIALS, MACHINERIES/EQUIPMENT AND RENOVATION. THIS SHALL NOT COVER ANY NEW CONSTRUCTION. 11. 2 FACULTY: ONE ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR AND TWO ASSISTANT PROFESSORS – RS. 75. 00 LAKH FOR THREE YEARS (PURELY ON CONTRACTUAL BASIS DURING XII PLAN  PERIOD). RS. 25. 00 LAKHS PER ANNUM X 3 YEARS = RS. 75. 00 LAKH TO BE REIMBURSED ON ACTUAL BASIS WITHIN THE TOTAL ALLOCATION. 11. 3 INSTITUTIONS SHOULD RECRUIT FACULTY ONLY IN THE CORE TRADES BEING OFFERED UNDER THE SCHEME. 11. 4 VISITING/GUEST FACULTY: RS. 5. 00 LAKH FOR FIRST YEAR AND RS. 10. 00 LAKH FOR SECOND AND RS. 15. 00 LAKH FOR THIRD YEAR. 11. 5 THE OPERATIVE YEARLY COST: THE OPERATIVE YEARLY COST SHALL BE OF RS. 10. 00 LAKHS PER ANNUM. EXISTING FACULTY RS. 500/- PER LECTURE VISITING/GUEST FACULTY RS. 2,000/- PER LECTURE UGC? GUIDELINES? FOR? B. Voc.? 10 12. PROCEDURE FOR APPLYING UNDER THE SCHEME  12. 1 UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE SHOULD SUBMIT PROPOSAL FOR INTRODUCTION OF B. VOC. PROGRAMME DIRECTLY TO UGC IN THE PRESCRIBED PROFORMA ATTACHED AS ANNEXURE-I. HOWEVER, COLLEGE SHOULD ALSO SUBMIT A COPY OF â€Å"NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE† FROM THE AFFILIATING UNIVERSITY. 13. ANNEXURES (A) PROFORMA FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL FOR INTRODUCTION OF B. VOC. PROGRAMME AS GIVEN IN ANNEXURE-I. (B) PROFORMA FOR SUBMISSION OF MANDATE FORM AS GIVEN IN ANNEXURE-II. (C) PROFORMA FOR UTILIZATION CERTIFICATE IS GIVEN IN ANNEXURE-III. (D) PROFORMA FOR SUBMISSION OF STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURE INCURRED FOR INTRODUCTION OF B. VOC. COURSE IS GIVEN IN ANNEXURE-IV. (E) PROFORMA FOR SUBMISSION OF ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT IS GIVEN IN ANNEXURE-V. UGC? GUIDELINES? FOR? B. Voc.? 11 ANNEXURE-I Proposal Form for B. Voc. Programme 1. Details of the University / College: Please ensure that the details entered below match exactly with the details registered with UGC. 1. Name of the University / College: 2. Full Postal Address: 3. Name of the Affiliating University 4. Whether covered under Section 2(f) and 12(B) of the UGC Act, 1956 (If yes, please enclose a copy of the letter) Yes / No Whether Autonomous Yes / No 5. Whether the college is aided or  self financing? 6. Name, designation and contact details (Tel/fax/mobile/email) of Head of the Institution. 7. Website URL of the College / University 8. Any other relevant information (Maximum 100 words) College / University may like to share UGC? GUIDELINES? FOR? B. Voc.? 12 2. Details of the Proposed Skills Specialisations in the B. Voc. Program ( * ) This would be mentioned within Parenthesis in the name of the Award, e. g. B. Voc. (Specialisation) Programme Name of the Specialisation (*) Job Roles proposed to be covered in each year (Along with NSQF level) Proposed intake of students (Annually) Yr-1 Yr-2. Yr-3 UGC? GUIDELINES? FOR? B. Voc.? 13 3. Proposed subjects / papers in the General Education component in each of the three years. Year-1 Credits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Year-2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Year-3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. UGC? GUIDELINES? FOR? B. Voc.? 14 4. Basis for choosing the specialisation(s): The choice of specialisation should be based on: a) Skills Gap requirements, to ensure that the program fulfils the skills requirement of industry; b) University / College has expertise in the specialisation; and c) University / College have one or more committed industry partner(s) for design, delivery, internship and placement. Provide detailed basis for the choice of each of the specialisation(s). This would be an important factor during the approval process of this proposal. 4. 1. Skill Gaps identified: Specialisation Skill Gaps Identified(Quantitative, Qualitative, Source,†¦) 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. Existing expertise of the University / College: Specialisation Existing expertise (Which can be leveraged by the institution) 1. 2. 3. UGC? GUIDELINES? FOR? B. Voc.? 15 4. 3. Industry Partner(s) S. No. Specialis ation Details of the Industry Partnership(s) Name of Organisation and Address Nature of Partnership / Support (*) Name, Designation  and Contact details of official 1. 2. 3. 4. (*) Curriculum design, content creation, admission, conduct of courses, provision of infrastructure (in University / College, at employer location), internship, placement, etc. 4. 3. 1. Attach MOU(s), if any, signed with the industry Partner(s): UGC? GUIDELINES? FOR? B. Voc.? 16 5. Curriculum Design and Approval 5. 1. What is the proposed process and plan for curriculum design? How is the University / College ensuring that the curriculum meets the objectives of the B. Voc. Program? 5. 2. Status / Plan for curriculumapproval by the appropriate body of the University / Colleges? 6. Student placement plan: 6. 1. How would the University / College set up an effective mechanism for placement of students? UGC? GUIDELINES? FOR? B. Voc.? 17 7. Faculty: 7. 1. Availability of Faculty(For year-1) Specialisation / Area Faculty Needed Available with Institution To be Recruited Guest Faculty Guest faculty to be provided by Industry Partner 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7. 2. Training needs of Faculty(For Year-1) S. No. Specialisation / Area Details of Training Needed and duration Training Provider 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. UGC? GUIDELINES? FOR? B. Voc.? 18 8. Availability of Infrastructure 8. 1. 1. Details of physical infrastructure. Name of the Specialisation Availability of physical infrastructure Infrastructure Available in the College/ University To be provided by Industry Partner 1. Classroom Laboratory Workshop Library ICT Facility Others 2. Classroom Laboratory Workshop Library ICT Facility Others 3. Classroom Laboratory Workshop Library ICT Facility Others UGC? GUIDELINES? FOR? B. Voc.? 19 9. Details of Expenditure: (It is assumed that the existing infrastructure / faculty will be used as far as possible. The expenditure to be listed here is only for any incremental requirements the University / College may need. ) S. No. Components Expenditure (amounts in Rs. ) Remarks (Provide justification for expenditure) Y-1 Y-2 Y-3 Total 1. Faculty / Staff a. Contractual b. Guest c. Lab Assistant d. 2. Equipment for Labs / Workshops / Classrooms a. b. c. 3. Raw Materials etc. for Labs / Workshops a. b. c. 4. Faculty Training a. b. 5. Admission Process, Pre-admission Student Counselling etc. 6. Office Expenses / Contingencies (including expenditure on publicity, guidance and counselling, transport, field visits, postage, stationery, electricity, water etc. ) 7. Travel 8. Others a. Assessments b. Contingencies c. Workshops / conferences / seminars e. Any other expense TOTAL UGC? GUIDELINES? FOR? B. Voc.? 20 10. Student / Learner Fee details: (All figures in Rupees) S. No. Programme(s) Annual Fee per student Proposed student intake per year Total Fees proposed to be collected Y1 Y2 Y3 Total Y1 Y2 Y3 Total 1. 2. Total 11. Key Milestones / Plans for Year-1 Key Plans / Milestones Person Responsible Expected Completion Date 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. Any other Information which the host college / university may like to provide. _________________________________________________ Signature with Seal of the Head of the Host Institution Name : Date: UGC? GUIDELINES? FOR? B. Voc.? 21 ANNEXURE – II MANDATE FORM Electronic Clearing Service (Credit Clearing)/ Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) facility for receiving payments. A. Details of Accounts Holders:- 1. Name of Account Holder 2. Complete Contact Address 3. Telephone Number/Fax/E-mail B. Bank Account Details:- 1. Bank Name 2. Branch Name with Complete Address, Telephone No. and E-mail 3. Whether the Branch is computerized? 4. Whether the Branch is RTGS enabled? If yes then what is the Branch’s IFSC Code 5. Is the Branch also NEFT enabled? 6. Type of Bank Account (SB/Current /Cash Credit) 7. Complete Bank Account No. (Latest). 8. MICR Code of Bank I hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. If the transaction is delayed or not effected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information I would not hold the use Institution responsible. I have read the option invitation letter and agree to discharge responsibility expected of me as a participant under the Scheme. Date: SignatureofCustomer Certified that the particulars furnished above are correct as per our records. (Bank’s Stamp) Date: SignatureofCustomer 1. Please attach a photocopy of cheque along with the verification obtained from the bank. 2. In case your Bank Branch is presently not â€Å"RTGS enabled†, then upon its up gradation to â€Å"RTGS Enabled† branch, please submit the information again in the above proforma to the Department at earliest. NOTE:- Refund of Security Deposit/ Hire Charges Due to operation of E-payment w. e. f. 01/04/2012 the Mandate form may please be submitted, duly verified by the bank, to this office for claiming Refund of Security Deposit/Hire Charges along with a photocopy of blank Cheque. UGC? GUIDELINES? FOR? B. Voc.? 22 ANNEXURE – III UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION, NEW DELHI UTILIZATION CERTIFICATE IT IS CERTIFIED THAT THE TOTAL GRANT OF RS. ___________ (RUPEES .. ) SANCTIONED BY THE UGC VIDE LETTER NO. F. _______________________ DATED___________ HAS BEEN UTILIZED BY THE COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY AS PER DETAILS GIVEN IN THE ATTACHED STATEMENT (AS PER ANNEXURE D) IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS LAID DOWN BY THE UGC VIDE ITS LETTER NO__________ DATED______________. AND THAT ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN FULFILLED BY THE COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY AND THE GRANT HAS BEEN UTILIZED FOR THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH IT WAS SANCTIONED. IT IS FURTHER CERTIFIED THAT THE INVENTORIES OF PERMANENT AND SEMI-PERMANENT ASSETS. CREATED/ACQUIRED WHOLLY OR MAINLY OUT OF THE GRANTS GIVEN BY THE UGC AS INDICATED IN THE ENCLOSED STATEMENT ARE BEING MAINTAINED IN THE PRESCRIBED FORM AND ARE BEING KEPT UP-TO-DATE AND THESE ASSETS HAVE NOT BEEN DISPOSED OFF, ENCUMBERED OR UTILIZED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. IF AS A RESULT OF CHECK OR AUDIT OBJECTION, SOME IRREGULARITY IS NOTICED AT A LATER STAGE, THE COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY WILL REFUND THE OBJECTED AMOUNT. ___________________________________ ______________________________ SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL / REGISTRAR WITH SEAL SIGNATURE OF AUDITOR WITH SEAL NOTE: THE UTILIZATION CERTIFICATE SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY AUDITED STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT INDICATING EXPENDITURE ON VARIOUS ITEMS. UGC? GUIDELINES? FOR? B. Voc.? 23 ANNEXURE-IV UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION PROFORMA FOR SUBMISSION OF STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURE INCURRED FOR THE OF B. VOC. PROGRAMMES (DIPLOMA/ ADVANCED DIPLOMA/DEGREE) 1. Name of the University/ College: 2. Name of the Vocational degree/Advance Diploma/Diploma Course: 3. No. Date of UGC’s approval No. F. _______________________________ Dated ___________________ 4. Period to which the accounts related : w. e. f. _____________________________ to ____________________________________________. 5. Details of actual expenditure incurred : Grants approved Grants released Unspent balance (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) NOTE 1. The statement of expenditure should be filled up separately for each vocational degree course. 2. List of equipment purchased should be submitted. 3. Details of periods taken, amount paid to leach teacher by name under guest faculty and internal faculty should be submitted. Signature Head of Institution / Principal/Registrar Govt. Auditor/CA UGC? GUIDELINES? FOR? B. Voc.? 24 ANNEXURE – V UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION, NEW DELHI ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT (to be submitted annually to the UGC by each University /College) 1. Name and Address of the institution: 2. Name of the Head of the institution: 3. Period of the Progress Report: 4. Activities Taken up During the Year: 5. Utilization of Grants during the Year: 6. Specific Outcomes: 7. Difficulties encountered in implementation, if any: CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the data/ information presented in this Annual Progress Report are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and the required documents will be provided to the UGC, as and when the same are called for. ____________________________________________ Signature with Seal of Head of the University /College Place: Date:

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Biography of Karl Marx Essay -- biographies Biography Karl Marx Essays

Biography of Karl Marx Few names evoke as strong a response as Karl Marx. Some consider him a genius and a prophet, while others see only evil in his ideas. Everyone agrees that Marx stands among the social thinkers with the greatest impact on the world's people. There are many people who pass into and out of our lives. It is those great people that are remembered forever. One great person is Karl Marx. He is an extraordinary person that has changed and shaped the way of the future. Marx had many great experiences and achievements throughout his lifetime for which he is remembered. On May 5, 1818, Karl Marx was born to father, Heinrich Marx, and his wife, Henriette. Karl was born in Trier, Prussia, where he lived throughout his childhood. His father was a lawyer and his family lived among the â€Å"petty-bourgeoisie.† 1 The bourgeoisie at this point in time was considered the middle class in society. The Marx family was Jewish, but later converted to Protestantism in 1824. In October of 1830, Marx enrolled at the Trier Gymnasium. At Trier Gymnasium Marx obtained his high school education. Following graduation from Trier, he decided to continue his education and go on to attend Bonn University as a law student in October of 1835. Here, Marx studied for only several months, and then enrolled at Berlin University in October of 1836. At Berlin University he also studied law, but majored in history and philosophy. While attending Bonn University, Marx decides to propose to Jenny Von Westphalen in the summer of 1836. Jenny Von Westphalen was Marx's love of his life. The two of them had played and grown up together throughout their childhood. According to Eleanor Marx, â€Å"Karl wai... Neue Zeit 1897 <> (29 October 2001) 3. Marx 4. Lenin 5. Thomas, Paul, â€Å"Nature and Artifice in Marx,† History of Political Thought [Great Britain], 1998. 485-503 (29 October 2001) 6. Thomas 7. Thomas 8. Engels, Frederick, "Karl Marx," in Die Gartenlaube 1868 <> (29 October 2001) 9. Lenin 10. Lenin 11. Unknown, "Draft of a Speech at the Graveside of Karl Marx," in La Justice 1883 <> (29 October 2001) Links:

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Minority Document Charles Beard Essay

In The Constitution: A Minority Document Charles Beard argues that the Constitution was written by a group of people who had certain specific economic and political interests. Beard states that the Constitution didn’t reflect the interests of the general population. Beards mentions that the framers largest fear was the corruption of a democratic government. Those with out property were usually excluded from voting, and elections often occurred indirectly to limit the power of the uneducated public. The Constitution was intended to get rid of the character of evil. Beard also states that the Convention members knew from their personal economic affairs the precise results which the new government that they were setting up was designed to attain. It also ensures a division of society into different interests and party’s. Beard also writes that Madison makes the underlying political science of constitution in the tenth number. Here he lays down, in no uncertain language, the principle that the first and elemental concern of every government is economic. The first objective of government is the protection of the diversity in the faculties of men from which the rights of property originate. The most common source of factions is the unequal distribution of property. An unequal distribution of property is inevitable, and from its contending factions will rise in the state. To secure the public good the contending classes cannot be eliminated and their interests are bound to be reflected in politics, the only way out lies in making it difficult for enough contending interests to fuse into a majority.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Sedimentary rocks in Pakistan range in age from Precambrian to Miocene i. e from oldest to youngest on the geological time scale form 542 million years to latest. Luckily for geoscientists all of them are exposed in different parts of the country. Lithologically they constitute sandstone, limestone, shale and mixed lithologies of them all. These rocks are exposed all along the mountain ranges from Islamabad in north to Karachi in the south. Igneous rocks are exposed north of Peshawar or only at Nagarparker in the southeastern corner of the country.You better study ‘Stratigraphy and historical geology of Pakistan' by Kazmi and Abbasi (2008), which will provide you a full knowledge about the rocks in Pakistan. ‘Geology and tectonics of Pakistan' by Kazmi and Jan (1997) also gives details of distribution of ores and minerals in different parts of the country. Names [de] Mergel [en] marl Description Marl is a sedimentary rock made of clay and limestone, which belongs to the f amily of pelitic rocks (clays

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Heres How to Know the Difference Between Miss, Mrs., and Ms.

Heres How to Know the Difference Between Miss, Mrs., and Ms. Dear Mrs. Galloway, You begin the letter simply enough but the reader on the other end only rolls her eyes, laughing, and somewhat annoyed at the incorrect use of the title Mrs.. That response is not even close to what you wanted for your communication, but theres a reason for it: Shes 17 years old and isnt planning to get married anytime in the near future.Knowing the correct way to address someone in a letter or phone call is not only a good idea- its a way to ensure that the purpose of your letter or call isnt overshadowed by potential offense to the recipient. Small slights in communication etiquette can make a difficult situation even worse if youre trying to resolve it via written communication or a telephone call.For example, its a common misconception that Miss and Ms. mean the same thing. Or that all women can be referred to as Miss or Mrs. These titles have three entirely different connotations and anyone who uses them should know the difference between the three- especiall y if they perform a job or function that requires a lot of written and verbal communication skills.So, lets look at the meaning of each title and how to determine if it should be used to correctly address the recipient of your letter or phone call. A simple review, such as the one offered here, can save you time and stress, and help ensure your communication efforts happen as smoothly as possible.Its important to correctly address the recipient of your letter with the correct title. Photo by John-Mark Smith from Pexels.Using Miss correctlyWhen preceding a name, Miss is used to respectfully address an unmarried woman. It can also be used alone, without a name preceding it, to address her. The correct way to pronounce this title is [Mis] (rhymes with this).Youll also see the term used as a tease or reference to a womans personality traits, such as Miss Perfect or Miss Manners, although this use of the word is not considered to be formal.ExamplesMiss Myers, please contact our office as soon as possible.Excuse me Miss, but I think you left something behind.She acts like Miss Know-it-all but is mostly unaware.Settings in which you will use MissIn a formal setting, it is best to use Miss in front of an unmarried womans last name (surname). Some common examples of formal settings include business interactions, professional communication with business associates or employers, addressing someone in a position of authority, addressing someone you dont know personally, etc.). Slightly less formal is the use of Miss in front of an unmarried womans first (given) name, and this should only be done if you have permission to do so. In many cases, if a woman does not wish to be referred to in a formal manner, she will let you know: Oh, you can just call me [name].However, it is acceptable and polite to simply use Miss when verbally addressing a stranger whose name you dont know, but this is not typically done in written communication. For example, if you encounter a woman (of any age) on the street who has dropped her scarf, you could get her attention by saying: Excuse me, Miss. Is this yours?In informal settings (such as friends, close acquaintances, and family members, etc.), using Miss in front of a word that describes the person to whom youre referring is acceptable, although be careful- you can still hurt someones feelings if the descriptive word is not a compliment. For example, Miss know-it-all is a commonly used expression to refer (in a somewhat derogatory manner) to a woman who corrects others often.Using Mrs. CorrectlyMrs., when preceding a name, is a title used to respectfully address a married woman. It is similar to the use of Miss in that it is most often used along with a womans surname. In the past, it has been used along with the husbands first and last name to refer to his wife (Mrs. Donald Smith), but this practice is considered outdated. Some women might even take offense in it, so it is best to avoid it if possible.The correct way to pronounce this title is [Missus] (rhymes with miss us). In fact, youll often see the title spelled out as Missis, Missus, or Mizzus in dialogue, to denote exactly how a character pronounces it.ExamplesMrs. Jones owns the floral shop down the road.I think youre a wonderful person, Mrs. Annette.Ill ask the missus what she thinks of having dinner tomorrow night.Settings in which you will use Mrs.In a formal setting, such as in a business or professional context, you will likely use Mrs. before a married womans last name to address her politely. As with Miss, you can also use Mrs. before a married womans first name, but you should wait for permission or an invitation to do so.However, very rarely will you see Mrs. or Missus used alone, without a surname or given name following it. When it is used alone, it is usually mentioned in an informal way, such as a friend asking another friend: Are you and the missus joining us for dinner? This is another way that Mrs. differs from Miss.Using Ms. correctlyIf you are unsure about a womans marital status and are addressing her in written communication, Ms. is the preferred title to use. Think of it as the opposite of Mr., which is used to refer to a man, regardless of his marital status. The correct way to pronounce this title is [Miz] (rhymes with fizz).ExamplesDear Ms. Jenner,Ms. Lyle is the new principal of Belleview High SchoolSettings in which you will use Ms.As stated earlier, Ms. is the preferred term in written communication to refer respectfully to women whose married status is unknown. In this sense, many editors and journalists will use this term to cover their tracks in case Miss or Mrs. Is incorrect.As with Mrs., the use of Ms. as a standalone word is not typical.Getting around all three termsSpeaking of editing and journalism, a recent trend in many publications has been to use the first and last name of the woman without including either of the three titles (Miss, Mrs., or Ms.). However, this is not as acce ptable in spoken communication, where Miss, Mrs., and Ms. are still preferable (as long as the right one is used.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Observe the Lyrid Meteor Shower

How to Observe the Lyrid Meteor Shower Every April, the Lyrid meteor shower, one of many yearly meteor showers, sends a cloud of dust and tiny rocks the size of a grain of sand hurtling to Earth. Most of these meteors vaporize in the atmosphere before reaching our planet. Key Takeaways The Lyrid Meteor shower, so named because it appears to stream from the constellation Lyra, occurs every April 16 to 26th with the peak taking place on April 22 into April 23Observers may see between 10 to 20 meteors per hour in a normal year, but during the heavy peaks that occur every 60 or so years, dozens or even hundreds of meteors may be visibleComet 1861 G1/Thatcher is the source of dust particles that become Lyrid meteors When to See the Lyrids A wonderful thing about the Lyrids is that they arent just a one-night occurrence.  They begin around April 16 and last until April 26th. The peak of the shower occurs on April 22, and the best time for viewing is after midnight (technically early  morning on the 23rd). Observers can normally expect to see anywhere from 10 to 20 flashes of light per hour, all streaming from the area near the constellation Lyra. At that time of year, Lyra is best visible in the hours after midnight on the 22nd.   Tips for Observing the Lyrids The best advice for watching the Lyrids shower is true for almost any meteor swarm. Observers should try to watch from a dark-sky site. If thats not possible, then its best to at least get out of the glare of nearby lights. Chances of seeing the shower are also much better if theres not bright moonlight. On nights when the Moon is full and bright, the best choice is to go out around midnight and look for meteors before the Moon rises. To see the Lyrids, observers should keep an eye out for meteors that look as though they have originated from the constellation Lyra, the Harp. In reality, the meteors dont actually come from these stars; it merely looks that way because the Earth passes through the stream of dust and particles, which appears to be in the direction of the constellation.  Luckily for meteor watchers, Earth passes through many such streams throughout the year, which is why we see so many meteor showers. Looking at an incoming meteor descend through Earths atmosphere, as seen from the International Space Station. NASA What Causes the Lyrids?   The meteor shower particles that create the Lyrids are actually the debris and dust left behind from the Comet 1861 G1/Thatcher.  The comet orbits the Sun once every 415 years and sheds a great deal of material as it passes through our solar system. Its closest approach to the Sun brings it to about the same distance as Earth, but its most distant point is way out in the Kuiper Belt, 110 times the distance between Earth and the Sun. Along the way, the comets path experiences the gravitational pull of other planets such as Jupiter. That disturbs the dust stream, with the result that approximately every sixty years, Earth encounters a thicker-than-usual part of the comets stream. When that happens, observers might see as many as 90 or 100 meteors per hour. Occasionally a fireball streams through the sky during the shower, indicating a piece of cometary debris thats somewhat larger- perhaps the size of a rock or a ball.   Other well-known meteor showers caused by comets are the Leonids, caused by Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle, and Comet P1/Halley, which brings material to Earth in the form of the Orionids. Did You Know? Friction between the gases that make up our atmosphere and small particles (meteors) causes meteors to heat up and glow. Typically, the heat destroys them, but occasionally a larger piece survives and lands on the Earth, at which point the debris is called a meteorite.   The most significant outbursts of Lyrid meteors in recent times were recorded starting in 1803.  Thereafter, they occurred in 1862, 1922, and 1982.  If the trend continues, the next heavy outburst for Lyrid watchers will be in the year 2042.   A Lyrid meteor as seen by an allsky camera studying the sky in April 2013. MSFC Meteoroid Environment Office   The History of the Lyrids People have been seeing meteors from the Lyrid shower for well over two thousand years. The first known mention of them was made in the year 687 BCE, recorded by a Chinese observer. The largest known Lyrid shower sent an amazing 700 meteors per hour through Earths skies. That occurred in 1803 and it lasted for several hours as Earth plowed through a very thick path of dust from the comet.   Watching isnt the only way to experience meteor showers. Today, some amateur radio operators and astronomers track Lyrids and other meteors by capturing radio echoes from meteoroids as they flash through the sky. They tune by tracking a phenomenon known as forward radio scattering, which detects pings from the meteoroids as they strike our atmosphere. Sources â€Å"In Depth | Lyrids – Solar System Exploration: NASA Science.† NASA, NASA, 14 Feb. 2018,, NASA, News and Information about Meteor Showers, Solar Flares, Auroras, and near-Earth Asteroids,

Sunday, October 20, 2019

6 Things You Must Ask Before Accepting a Job Offer

6 Things You Must Ask Before Accepting a Job Offer Got the job? Great. Now you need a crash course in negotiating. Don’t be too difficult or demanding, but do ask for what you want and need- respectfully and professionally. Here are 6 things to make sure you discuss before you sign the contract.1. The Money You WantSalary is the number one negotiated term for any new position. Do your research into the industry standards for your position, taking into account any extra expertise you might have- or any missing links. If you’re going to ask for more money, be prepared to explain why you deserve it. And why it would be in their best interests to spend the extra cash to get you on board.2. SweetenersIf you’re lucky enough to be in a field that typically offers signing bonuses, that can help mitigate a slightly lower salary offer. Again, do your research. Don’t ask for anything extortionate or too far out of the ordinary. But do use it as leverage if the hiring manager says they’d really like to offer yo u a higher salary, but they just don’t have the authorization. Maybe they can get the authorization for a signing bonus.3. Vacay DaysTime off is important to most of us. It might even be more important to you than your annual salary. If this is your main demand, you can ease up on the money talk and ask for compensation in more vacation days. Don’t forget to mention that your productivity increases exponentially when you have time off to reset.  4. Regular ReviewsHungry to get up the ladder? Not totally jazzed by your new job title? Make sure to formally request performance reviews. If you’re doing your job well, this is the surest way to title bumps and increased compensation. Show ‘em what you’ve got!5. Moving MoneyIf you need to uproot and go halfway across the country, be sure to ask for relocation assistance. Most companies have a separate budget for this. Be sure to go into the negotiation with a clear idea of how much your move is going to cost so you know how much you’ll need to ask for.  6. The Opportunity for FlexibilityThis can be a tough one, since the company doesn’t know your work style yet. They don’t know how productive and fabulous you are, because you haven’t shown them. But if schedule freedom is that important to you, or to your work, it’s okay to mention it in these initial negotiations.Remember: negotiating isn’t easy. And salary is just one piece of the puzzle. Make sure you know what your needs and wishes are, then rank them in order of importance. You can’t ask for everything right out of the gate, but you can (and should) ask for the most important.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Contemporary Media's Representation of Philosophies, Ideologies, and PowerPoint Presentation

Contemporary Media's Representation of Philosophies, Ideologies, and Theories - PowerPoint Presentation Example With the help of Jim Gordon, Batman and the District Attorney Harvey Dent set out to eliminate the criminal infrastructure that is operating out of the streets. Despite a strong partnership between the two, they find themselves fighting against a reign of chaos that has been unleashed by a rising mastermind in the criminal world, who is known amongst the terrorized people as ‘The Joker’. From the very beginning, the joker succeeds in showing to the world, a horrifying version of evil where all morality is shredded to dust and replaced with lawlessness and hatred. Others associated with the criminals have long been gone, but the name of the Joker remains in the minds of the people especially due to the ambiguity and glamour with which his evil comes with. One could not rely on virtually anything he said and he relishes at the ease with which he gets people including Dent to break rules. He enjoys destroying the people and civic society simply for the sake of witnessing evil. What is good and truth? Why do good guys need to play by the rules when others don’t? these are some of the questions that beg for an answer from this movie, which set it apart as something that has a deeper impact on the viewer than regular action movies. If one were to ask about the ideal way to select and watch a movie, then the Dark Knight would come to be the first option. Many a times, we question the fact that yes, a movie can be quite entertaining, but what message did it help convey to us? The Dark knight has pulled off the trick by attempting to answer major issues connected to morality and has at the same time made every effort to entertain the viewer. The movie has tried to provide answers to three varying answers to our concerns over what is good and the way people should live in a society. The first way of living is according to the path chosen by the Joker i.e., a world sans rules, where all that matters is power and where society is

Friday, October 18, 2019

Inspiring historical figure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Inspiring historical figure - Essay Example e can see that Delany’s interest in political activism, added with his active participation in the protest against human rights violation faced by the African Americans, transformed him to an eminent abolitionist and political activist. To be specific, Delany co-operated with the abolitionist movement in America in 1840s, and made use of the newspaper named as North Star to propagate his ideas on the problems faced by the African Americans. Junius P. Rodriguez stated that, â€Å"During his time in Pittsburgh, Delany participated in the abolitionist movement, newspaper editing, moral reform, and the practice of medicine† (251). Later, Delany came to realize the fact that African Americans cannot expect freedom and equality in America. So, he considered that the African Americans can gain freedom by immigrating to other nations. Besides, Delany was an eminent leader of an African America movement named as Black Nationalism. Delany’s direct involvement (say, as a ne wspaper reporter and as an African American leader) in the problems faced by his fellow beings helped him to realize that indigenous nationalism can help the African Americans to gain political and social freedom in the mainstream society. In short, Delany’s involvement in the abolitionist movement and American Black Nationalism helped the African Americans to realize the importance of political activism within the context of anti-slavery movement. One can see that Delany did not neglect his duty towards his motherland. This awareness eventually led Delany to take the decision to serve the Army during the Civil War. Besides, he acted the role of a recruiter and served the Union Army. In 1850s, Delany decided to enter medical profession by enrolling at the Harvard Medical School. But racial segregation based on skin color limited Delany’s scope as a medical student in Harvard Medical School. But he did not try to abandon his profession as a physician. For instance, his role as a physician in

Methods to Motivate Employees to Improve Behavior Essay

Methods to Motivate Employees to Improve Behavior - Essay Example So, if left without any counseling, they would be worried, stressed, traumatized and demoralized. So, counseling would help in restoring their confidence, encouraging them to be strong and understand the situation fearlessly (Hackman & Oldham, 2011). This would, in the long run, motivate these workers to continue serving the company for the remaining days. The other strategy that might be used to handle the situation is the provision of training services to the employees. Although they would soon be laid off, these clerks need to be equipped with skills on how they can use the new software and effectively adapt to the introduced changes. If professionally done, training would make these employees to feel recognized as an important part of the organization who, despite their training, can not be left out in case of any such developments (Nkomo, Fottler & McAfee, 2005). After all, not all of them might be eliminated if the new software is fully integrated into the system. This would also motivate them. However, for all these to be done, a lot of time and qualified professionals are required to offer the necessary counseling, coaching and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Do curfews keep teens out of trouble Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Do curfews keep teens out of trouble - Essay Example ect various age groups in our society, we fear the most for the young people in our society who, due to reckless abandon caused by their youthful enthusiasm for life, tend to place themselves in precarious situations. These dangerous situations are usually connected to their love of the fun time offered by a night life. As parents who fear for the safety of their children, a curfew placed upon their childs night time activities offers a semblance of protection for both parties. The idea being that if a child is home by a certain hour of the night, he or she will be able to avoid the pitfalls that often befall the adventurous teens at night. An analysis of the history and reasons behind the implementation of parental and citywide curfews reveal the details as to why these sectors find curfews an effective deterrent when it comes to keeping their children out of trouble: the night holds some unseen circumstances that children and teenagers may not be capable of dealing with at their current age. Therefore there needs to be some sort of system in place that can help protect them from the things that go bump in the night on public streets. Since teenagers these days can be really hot headed and emotional, it is important to make sure that they are in a safe place once night time sets in because as the night deepens, tempers may end up flaring in certain situations. It is saddening to note that curfews were not needed during the past eras in the United States. The night streets were safe places for them to hang out with their friends after dinner or on a Friday night so they can relax after a hectic school week. Teenagers were not always held in the grips of curfew mania as they are today. Newspaper articles from decades gone by have shown that there was a time in our country when it was safe for teenagers to go out and party at night. Schools did not need to have metal detectors at the gates, school dances were the highlight of the school year, and teenagers would go

The impact of advertising on male consumer Essay

The impact of advertising on male consumer - Essay Example This "The impact of advertising on male consumer" essay outlines how advertising shapes consumer patterns of male consumer and tools that it uses. A man's identity used to be dependent upon his role as a provider and his place of employment – this has been the traditional way that has defined the essence of the male identity in the modern society. This is known as the â€Å"hegemonic gender identity.† This morphed into contemporary society, in which, it is argued, Henry Ford is responsible for the increase in consumption, for he pioneered the idea that workers should be paid well, which led to more disposable income and, thus, more consumption. In advanced capitalist societies, Ford made consumption more egalitarian, and less the province of the rich. Modern consumption is driven by the choices that were being offered in modern society, choices that were not offered in earlier societies, before mass production of goods became the norm. According to Naomi Klein (2000), t his led to competitive branding and, ultimately, to the rise of designer labels, such as Calvin Klein and Ralph Lauren. During this period, men were traditionally thought of as producers – too busy working to bother with consuming – marketers traditionally have catered to females, as they were considered to be the consumers to the male producers. Advertising and marketing in the modern era catered to women, with particular emphasis upon women in their traditional gender-defined roles – looking beautiful and doing domestic chores, while men were in the background.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Do curfews keep teens out of trouble Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Do curfews keep teens out of trouble - Essay Example ect various age groups in our society, we fear the most for the young people in our society who, due to reckless abandon caused by their youthful enthusiasm for life, tend to place themselves in precarious situations. These dangerous situations are usually connected to their love of the fun time offered by a night life. As parents who fear for the safety of their children, a curfew placed upon their childs night time activities offers a semblance of protection for both parties. The idea being that if a child is home by a certain hour of the night, he or she will be able to avoid the pitfalls that often befall the adventurous teens at night. An analysis of the history and reasons behind the implementation of parental and citywide curfews reveal the details as to why these sectors find curfews an effective deterrent when it comes to keeping their children out of trouble: the night holds some unseen circumstances that children and teenagers may not be capable of dealing with at their current age. Therefore there needs to be some sort of system in place that can help protect them from the things that go bump in the night on public streets. Since teenagers these days can be really hot headed and emotional, it is important to make sure that they are in a safe place once night time sets in because as the night deepens, tempers may end up flaring in certain situations. It is saddening to note that curfews were not needed during the past eras in the United States. The night streets were safe places for them to hang out with their friends after dinner or on a Friday night so they can relax after a hectic school week. Teenagers were not always held in the grips of curfew mania as they are today. Newspaper articles from decades gone by have shown that there was a time in our country when it was safe for teenagers to go out and party at night. Schools did not need to have metal detectors at the gates, school dances were the highlight of the school year, and teenagers would go

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Terrorism is in the eye of the beholder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Terrorism is in the eye of the beholder - Essay Example After 9/11, there were some publications that even described the new face of terror as being well funded, well organized and lethal. Such terms as â€Å"new terror† can be questioned on grounds that it lacked empirical data or proof that the new network of terror was lethal. President George Bush coined the term war on terror. This preempted and justified the attack on the â€Å"new terrorist† and the nations perceived of harboring them. It is important to mention 9/11 whenever the term terrorism is mentioned since the â€Å"new face† of terror was born then. Attack on Afghanistan and Iraq followed. The question remains, who are the terrorist? Blain in his book endeavored to shine a light on the discourses of the American Government on war on terror. As it is hard to quantify facts, the misery of who is the target for raging war. What are the motivations? And how this is to be done? According conclusions the United States’ war on terror can be characterized by imperial agendas that are far much different from securing American citizens from terror (Simon, 2000). It can, therefore, be concluded that terrorism is failure to conform to the â€Å"Elite’s† policies and countering its

Monday, October 14, 2019

Summary and Response Essay Example for Free

Summary and Response Essay Summary: In â€Å"You Have the Right to Remain a Target of Racial Profiling,† syndicated columnist Eugene Robinson tries to impress upon his readers that racial profiling is still utilized by today’s police force. Mr. Robinson utilizes statistics from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, to make his point. These statistics are taken from the Federal criminal justice system. Based on these statistics, he states that minorities (primarily blacks) are at least twice as likely to have their vehicle searched on a routine traffic stop. Mr. Robinson further points out the fact that minorities are statistically more likely to receive a citation, where whites are more likely to receive a verbal warning. Finally, Mr. Robinson makes the statement that if all individuals pulled over were searched equally that police would uncover evidence of tens of thousands more crimes annually. This statement is not supported by Bureau of Justice Statistics, as is the rest of the article, but is strictly conjecture. Response: Your article titled, â€Å"You Have the Right to Remain a Target of Racial Profiling,† is a compelling argument that racial profiling still exists and is being used in our â€Å"Federal† police force. I emphasize â€Å"Federal† since the statistics you use are only gathered from Federal cases. You infer, through omission, that these statistics support all traffic violations. I must confess that I agree that it exists on some level everywhere, but not that it’s as ubiquitous as you claim. Profiling is nothing more than a compilation of words like determine, assess, judge, weigh, evaluate, etc. All are used to statistically determine a predictable manner. You erroneously use the term Racial Profiling when the statistics more accurately suggest the use of the approved profiling method called Offender Profiling. We, as a societ y, empower our police with the authority to do offender profiling in service to the public. I certainly don’t want to impede on an officers judgment, to conduct a search, based on your claims that it’s not done uniformly. Do you want to be solely responsible for coming up with a list of traffic stop DO’s and DON’Ts for officers? Remember, you would be held accountable for any adverse situations that come as a result. I can’t help but detect some underlying accusations of racism in your column. In your claims you simplify things down to the numbers, in an effort to appear objective, but your math seems to be in error. The Federal Bureau of Statistics doesn’t account for the extenuating circumstances associated with the traffic stops you cite. Each traffic stop is an individual case that must be handled accordingly. It can’t be boiled down to simple math. Both parties are equally responsible for their conduct during a traffic stop. You fairly admit that blacks are less willing to concede they have been caught dead to rights in a traffic stop, but seem to exonerate their admitted cynical behavior. You want to hold the officer responsible for not only himself, but the actions of the offender as well. Fair is fair, you can’t responsibly make accusations based on half facts and obviously biased conjecture. That type of rhetoric is designed to inflame racial prejudices rather than express umbrage about an unfair process. I wonder what you were really trying to say, and what ulterior motives you have.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Services Provided By Hospitality Establishments

Services Provided By Hospitality Establishments About The Term Hospitality: Hospitality refers to the support, warmth and help tourists look forward when visiting a country they are not familiar with. Its a process in which the host country deals with their guests with good behavior offering them all the basic facilities and also exclusive offerings. This industry in the fruitful business explains the concept of accommodation, catering service, transportation, resorts and sometimes guides as well who help the tourists explore the sight seeing places of the host country (Lankford S.V, 1994). It explains how pleasantly the local community has accepted you and their behavior towards you because of which you feel comfortable and safe in a strange country. Hospitality is the dealings between the local people and visitors depending upon care, respect and sense of belongingness they put forward (Lankford S.V, 1994). Different Hospitality Establishment in Discussion: The three establishments selected to be thoroughly observed in this reports are: Marriot International Corporation Hilton Worldwide Holiday Inn These are three establishment founded in U.S and are known worldwide. The main categories this industry is classified are two that is commercial and non-commercial category. In this report we will discuss commercial category which is composed of variety of sectors that is food sector, accommodation sector, entertainment sector and transportation sector. Structure This assignment is divided into four different sections from section 1 to section 5. Section 1 would discuss the brief introduction about hospitality and names of the hospitality organization selected, section 2 would describe the three hospitality establishment thoroughly, section 3 would describe the service/facilities provided by them. Whereas section 4 will do the comparison between each establishments service provision and the conclusion recommending the better establishment among the three selected establishments. 2) THREE HOSPITALITY ESTABLISHMENTS: C:Documents and Settingscomputer pointDesktopasgnments200px-Marriott_Logo.svg.png 2.1) MARRIOT CORPORATION: It was formed in 1927 and worked as a single corporation till 1992.The founder of this corporation was Mr. J. Willard Marriot and his wife, but at that time it was a small food stand named as Hot Shoppes which later expanded into different small ventures, services and finally formed a proper company in 1967 names as Marriot Incorporation. However Marriot ended its single entity in 1993 and separated into two entities Marriot International Corporation: Hotel business of the corporation and vacation tourist resorts. Host Marriot Corporation: changed name for Marriot Corporation. It has a accommodation service which has more than 3000 properties in United States and in service in more than 60 countries worldwide and include 10 brands. Some of the famous brands of Marriot Incorporation include names like Residence INN JW Marriott Hotels and Resorts Ritz-Carlton Hotel Marriot Incorporation has its headquarter in United States and it has more than 140000 employees working for it all over the world. Among the world wide hospitality incorporations Marriot International is listed as top most. People with high standards such as celebrities, sportsmen, politicians and rich socialites are the common guests of Marriot Incorporation (Marriot Corporation Online) C:Documents and Settingscomputer pointDesktopasgnments120px-Holiday_Inn_Logo.svg.png 2.2) HOLIDAY INN: It is one of the most prestigious and reputed service provided which offer comfort, value and pleasure to its customer proficiently. It is one of the brands of InterContinental Hotel Groups. Holiday Inn came into being in 1952 by Mr. Wilson in partnership with Mr. Wallace E. Johnson however the demise of Mr. Wallace, Wilson named the place as Holiday Inn which flourish spectacularly. The main slogan of Holiday Inn clean, friendliness and customer satisfaction was always taken care of and this is the main reason of its prosperity as it has always kept its customers satisfaction to the first priority (Holiday Inn Online). Holiday Inn is categorized among two types that is well developed, full service hotels and comparatively less developed, full service hotels however both the types include basic facilities such as room service, swimming pools, restaurants etc. It contains more than 200,000 rooms total in 1300 hotels worldwide and has more than 90 million guests visiting annually (Hoiday Inn Online). 2.3) HILTON WORLDWIDE: C:Documents and Settingscomputer pointDesktopasgnments250px-Hilton_Worldwide_Logo.svg.png Hilton worldwide formally known as Hilton International Corporation is owned by Blackstone Private Equity founded in Texas by Conrad Hilton in 1919. Hilton Worldwide own different brands including Hilton hotel resorts, Embassy suites hotels and Conrad hotels. Among which Conrad hotels is a luxury hotel, Hilton hotel resorts and embassy suites are full service hotel. It has 3000 hotels in more than 80 countries and has more than 130000 team of employees working for it worldwide in its every chain of hotels (Hilton Worldwide Online). Vision Mission: Hilton has a vision of spreading warmth, comfort and affection while its mission is to make itself worlds best hospitality organization and satisfying its customers with nothing lower than the best Values: Hiltons values is hidden in its name Hospitality, Integrity, Loyalty, Teamwork, Ownership, Newness forming HILTON. Hilton Worldwide manages it services very professionally as it pays attention to every minor detail including hotel management to supply chain management. They take care of your comfort as their own and provide you with the best and is increasing their satisfaction level annually by 10%. It is working to cater its mission statement by designing new buildings, improving operational efficiency and satisfying their customers by enhancing their experience. Moreover Hilton worldwide make sure they follow safety programs involving earth like reduction of energy consumption, waste by 20%, water consumption etc (Hilton Worldwide online). 3) Services Provided By All Three Establishments: 3.1) Services By Marriot: Vacation Packages: Marriot Incorporation offers various vacation packages to its customers depending on their affordability. Their packages usually include airfares and stay in their accommodation for few nights and also offer special discounts to its members. Out of all the 60 countries in which Marriot Incorporation is operating you can chose any place and can privilege yourself with the vacation packages they are offering. Marriot Incorporation is located at the worlds most preferable tourists spots having beautiful beaches, golf clubs, museums, restaurants while the accommodation service already being offered to you by Marriott making it and over all a promising trip with all the best facilities depending upon your selection (Marriot International Online). Vacation Club Ownership: This is an exclusive offer of Marriot which has a slogan of Carefree, Memorable stay. This package includes best facilities for the customer providing them with the finest option of villas comprising of one, two or three large bedrooms, fitted with all the necessary amenities like kitchen, dryer room, small projector. Some of them also include small swimming pools, fitness center, area for playing golf and kids activities center therefore, having facilities for every generation. You have to purchase the ownership by collecting vacation club points which has three offering: 1500 points : This package is for 15500 and offers vacations in Las Vegas and Colorado with accommodation in studio apartment or 2 bedroom villas. 2500 points: You can get this offer for 25500 while the vacation destinations can be Florida and Palm Beach(Aruba) with accommodation in studio apartment or 2 bedroom villas. 3500 points: This package is for 35500 and offers vacations in Hawaii and California with accommodation in studio apartment or 3 bedroom villas. Other exclusive Offerings By Marriot: Dining: Marriot has the worlds top chef working for them, master in cooking all kind of cuisines for their customers like Italian food, Mexican, Chinese , Japanese, Thai Cuisine including the specialty of the particular country you have visited. Spa: The Spa at Marriot include many varieties of Spa like stone massage, morocco bath, mil sword massage, herbal massage making your trip relaxing by all these offerings. Pools, Exercise Recreation: It has fitness centers which will not let you get idle by your trip, as it will provide you with best fitness facilities along with swimming pools (Marriot International Online). Wedding Honeymoon At Marriot: Marriot has certified experts and wedding planner to arrange your wedding in a dream wedding that is best to the last point. From decoration to food to music selection everything will be perfect at Marriot with the help of specialist working for you according to the customized wedding packages you have opt for. Later you can chose a honeymoon package as well making your wedding complete with Chocolate coated strawberries and banquet in bed ( Marriot International Online). 3.2) Services By Holiday Inn: Family Vacation Holiday Inn states to understand the need of spending time together by families and therefore there major offering are beneficial for families including special discount packages for kids. Kids under 19 years of age can share the room with their parents and stays for free while those who are under 12 can even enjoy free meals anytime at restaurant in Holiday Inn while their menu is composed of fruits, healthy and grilled items that is full of proteins so that you does not have to worry about their health and can easily plan and bring your family for enjoying vacations at Holiday Inn (Holiday Inn Online). Reward Nights A reward night in Holiday Inn is based on point systems. You have to collect points by purchasing some amount and your package will be entertained accordingly. There are 3 kinds of reward packages 10000 points, 15000 points and 25000 points. However the major drawback in this package is this that this deal does not offer you food or any other extra facilities, the charges are jut for accommodation and other basic room services while rest you have to pay again from your pocket. Despite of this fact reward rooms are over booked and reservation for it has to be made beforehand in order to get a room (Holiday Inn Online). Senior Discounts On of the commendable facilities provided by Holiday Inn is their senior package. This package is for seniors of age 62 or above you can enjoy your retirement by spending splendid time at Holiday Inn in more than 100 countries. This discount offer is applied to even rooms which are not up for discounts (Holiday Inn Online). Other Exclusive Facilities By Holiday Inn: Internet Service: People out on vacations wants to stay connected with their loved ones and also likes to update them with latest photographs and details about their trip so here holiday inn is providing them with internet facilities in rooms which help the people stay connected. Moreover its also good for people staying for business. Fitness Centers and Swimming Pools: These facilities allows you to enjoy yourself in the striking blue water forgetting all your worries and diving while also taking caring of your fitness away from your home and regular gym. Basic Facilities leads to comfort: These basic comforts comprises of perfect beds, pillows and shower for you to sleep well and starts a fresh day. 3.3) Services By Hilton Worldwide: Packages: Hilton has wide range of packages at your service Advance purchase packages: This packages offers you 20% discount if you have registers in advance Indulge package: This package has a special validity date and if you register within that date you will be able to benefited with special services excluding the charges of package. Bed and breakfast package: As the name suggests this package offers you a breakfast for two excluding the accommodation charges. Romance Package: Specially designed for the couples this package make sure that the couple is left undisturbed with complimentary beverages, breakfast served in room with special services like spa, swimming pools etc (Hilton Worldwide Online). Other Exclusive Packages Offerings: Apart from the above mentioned packages Hilton Worldwide has other exclusive packages as wells like Romantic journey, Funny bone Package, Bed and Brunch, Stay and dine and give her the sun, moon and stars which has different kinds of offering for their consumers. SPA: Hilton offers an exclusive range of Spa. It does not depend that whether you are at Hilton of Florida or Hawaii, all the chains of Hilton hotel has a spa located in its building promising you a relaxing experience (Hilton Worldwide Online). Wedding At Hilton: Hilton promises to meet your high expectations that you have thought about your wedding day. They have wedding planners which are expert in their work and their chefs will make the tongues of your guests tempt with delicious cuisines. You customize everything about your wedding in your own way and let the experts represent everything you have up till now fantasized about your wedding, from flower decoration to choice of music everything will be planned considering your wish and happiness (Hilton Worldwide Online). 4) Comparison: By going through above collected data the following comparison can be concluded that each establishment organization is working hard and trying to stay ahead of each other by providing innovative services and packages to attract its customers. Marriot and Hilton both offers Wedding Ceremonies package while Holiday Inn does not making it lack on this part. On the other hand Holiday Inn and Marriot both offer points system which is not the present in Hilton. Holiday Inn has this exclusive senior package offer along with special kids discounts making it a good and attractive selection for its customer while Hilton will easy win the hearts by its different, exclusive and unique kinds of packages. Both holiday Inn and Marriot has other activities offering like spa, fitness center helping it to make it at the top again therefore it was correct to state that these three establishments are updating themselves with nothing less than the best in order to stay and make its place in this competitive market. TARGET MARKET: The target market of all these three establishments is upper class economy on which they are focusing immensely by providing them with all the luxuries they wish for and charging them for every facility they offer. However at some reference you will also come to notice that target market of these establishments are considered to be middle class economy which is absolutely wrong or miss understood because the price per package offered by all three establishments are beyond the affordability of any middle class family. These establishments are design for upper class or business men and are providing them with best service any hospitality organization can offer. CONCLUSION: From the data mentioned above and by discussing about the three hospitality establishment we can conclude that all three of them are providing their customers with the best service, brining new and innovative ideas in order to keep themselves ahead in hospitality industry. There packages are attractive and are economical for upper class however the one with the best offering in my opinion would be Marriot Corporation as it has all the facilities that the other two establishments have as well as other exclusive offerings as well making it superior than the other two. Second in the list would by Holiday Inn while the third position will be to Hilton among the three. However the basic facilities provided by all the three establishments are more or less same and the other exclusive offering on which we are ranking them, depends upon your affordability. REFRENCES: Hilton Worldwide online ( Holiday Inn Online ( Lankford, S. V. (1994). Attitudes and perceptions toward hospitality and rural regional development. Journal of Travel Research, 31(3), 35-43 Marriot Corporation Online (

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Cadbury Schweppes :: Business and Management Studies

Cadbury Schweppes Criterion 1F My chosen businesses are Cadbury Schweppes, which is a PLC COMPANY, and Formbend is my LTD company. I chose these two businesses because I love Cadburys chocolate and thought it would be interesting to study and it also has a very informative website. I chose Formbend Tube Manipulators because my Uncle is the Technical Director for the company and said that he would be able to give me all the information I need. I know that there are lots of different Cadbury sites across Britain but my main focus will be the Bournville site in Birmingham. See appendixes and . History of Cadbury John Cadbury founded Cadbury in 1824. See appendix He developed his name as a chocolate manufacturer in 1831 by creating Cadbury’s drinking chocolate. See appendix .John Cadbury’s first shop was on Bull Street in Birmingham. See appendix .Then in 1847 the business had expanded and needed bigger premises so they moved to Bridge Street, which had its own canal linking the factory to the Birmingham Navigation Canal and the main ports in Britain. John Cadbury retired in 1861 and handed the business on to his two eldest sons Richard and George. The business ran from that site for 32 years, but then expanded even more which found them moving to Bourneville. See appendix .George Cadbury spurred the idea of better living conditions in Britain, which resolved in the Bourneville homes, which now cover over 1,000 acres. Aims and Objectives Aims Cadbury’s objective is to keep up the high standards of chocolate and to continue to make a difference too many people involved in the Bourneville site. They also want to make a profit on sales and to beat other competitors such as Nestle. Cadbury’s also want to continue making good quality products so they survive and maximise sales. They also need to make sure that they are environmentally friendly and make sure that quality is kept at a very high standard. Objectives 1. To continue to lead in the area of community interest 2. To introduce new products successfully to customers 3. To continue to help fund education in a number of ways 4. To improve communication with customers to help improve the standards of chocolate 5. To have a higher quality of products than other competitors. 6. To sell a lot of the products that they have and imp[rove any that need to be improved. 7. To take part in more activities than they did last year to get a good public voice. For Cadbury to achieve these aims and objectives they must spend a lot

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Black Madonna

The Black Madonna The Black Madonna by Muriel spark is a short story about Racism and religion. It aims to explore the real meanings behind what people say and the actions they do. It deals with happenings that closely reveal people’s reactions to it. Muriel Spark does this through subtle humor by the ironic happenings that take place during the short story. The characters in the short story play a huge role in adding to the dramatic storyline. At first impression the married couple Lou and Raymond seems normal to an extent but under scrutinization the couple’s lifestyle seems forced and exaggerated. This could add to the fact that they are not comfortable with who they really are individually and as a couple. Because of the constant stress which they endure of not being able to produce a child (Spark 38) mainly because they are Roman Catholics. Apparently, in the short story Roman Catholics are usually expected to have large families. One could say that this notion can support stress in their chosen religion and in their relationship. Although they are content with luxuries they haveacquired due to the absence of them having children. The couple takes their religion quite seriously and feels displaced if someone strays away and defies the religion. They have expectations that the person would find their way back to the religion. This can be seen with Henry. Who defied the Roman Catholic Church and who is expected by Lou to return back at some point (Spark 40-41). Lou and Raymond strive on inviting guests to their home. These guests are either Roman Catholics or somehow have been connected to the religion. In the text it is not difficult to notice that Lou and Raymond pride themselves on being non- judgmental. But yet they only invite Roman Catholics not caring of their class, may it be high or low class (Spark 39). In the short story Raymond invites two Jamaicans from his work( Spark 39). Why this should be seen as some kind of event if Lou and Raymond are really non-judgmental. This leads one to think that the couple is hypocrites. The couple covers up themselves under a facade that people of different skin color are equal. As well as deserving of every pleasure that life has to bring. We can see this facade clearly in Lou. She leads herself as well as her husband to believe that she is not a snob (Spark 39 and 45). While in actual fact she is the most prominent in her facade. This can be substantiated through when she has an encounter with Tina Farrell; a sorter that the derogatory term â€Å"darkies† should not be used to refer to black people( Spark 40). Well in the right as that is derogatory and degrading. But later in the short story Lou contradicts herself . Lou losing almost her temper with Henry about his opinion about the mentality of Lou’s sister, Elizabeth. Lou in her mind questions the authority of Henry being able to voice his opinion. She furthers her soliloquy in her mind and reveals that because Elizabeth is white she can live any lifestyle that suits her but who might Henry be to comment on that lifestyle if he is black ( Spark 44). One is then able at first to think Lou is a â€Å"sensible† woman. She loves making all people feel welcome and she mixes with all classes of all people. But their color counts when they have their own opinions or when people are not anyhow connected to their religion. Sensibility implies reasoning and in being in control. One finds that it may be a struggle to apply these terms to Lou. When Henry is in the process of making his statement about the mentality of certain types of people, one can see Lou’s impatience and complete disregard for what he has to say. This can be substantiated through Lou not giving Henry a chance to have his view raised in completion (Spark 44). As well in the short story a point is reached where Lou is hysterical and close to portraying a lady on the brink of insanity. Raymond, a hypocrite like his wife seems more disgusted in the way people live than in being a concealed racist. However, Raymond feels just as intensely about religion as his wife does and is compelled to defend his religion. The climax in the short story ultimately reveals the peak of revealing the couple’s actual views on race. When Lou becomes pregnant with what is to be a little black girl, her disgust in herself and in her child is obvious. One could say that the idea if being associated with black people is intriguing to the couple but as being part of their family is not a something which they were going to allow. Her encounter with Tina, the sorter now holds no value. Lou and Raymond is therefore exactly like Tina. Which is a racist but they do not mind being associated or in the company of black people. References Spark, Muriel. â€Å"The black Madonna† Publisher, University of Cape Town press† Publication year: 2010 Page number: 36-51 www. diesterweg. de/lektueren/she_many_voices_of_english/978-3-425-09031-3-Probekapitel,pdf www. enotes. com/blackmadonna. jalen/black www. newsstatesmen. com/200012250052 www. weberburg. de/skool/schwerpunktthema-abitur-one-language-many-voices. html

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Marijuana legalization

White House, it is the most commonly used recreational drug in the United States. It has been proven to be less harmful than alcohol, which is currently legal; and prohibition caused a black market to arise leading to an increase in an organized criminal activity. The fght against those organizations is costing a great amount of money and was cause for the loss of many innocent. While there are strong arguments in support of prohibition there are stronger arguments in support of the legalization if marijuana than there are counterarguments to keep the substance illegal.When comparing the Alcohol Prohibition in the 1920s and compare hat situation with the current situation with the legal status of marihuana, we cans ee that a repetition of history is occurring. According to Douglas McVoy, at the beginning of prohibition, the consumption of alcohol fell, however eventually it increased again. Since the drug was illegal and only the black market could sell it, a significant amount of ta x revenue was removed and crime rates increased in addition to become more organized.Consumption, illicit production, and distribution grow exponentially; therefore courthouses and prison systems were exhausted from such an increase in crime due to illicit alcohol. Government spent great amount of money devoted to enforcement, in fact, the annual budget of the Bureau of Prohibition went from $4. 4 million to $13. 4 million during the 1920s, while the Coast Guard spending on Prohibition averaged over $13 million per year. (McVoy). This are some reasons that proved that alcohol prohibition was a failure to the United States.Comparing the alcohol with the cannabis prohibitions. Marijuana is the most used recreational drug in the United States, as reported by the White House (Marijuana). One could say that after a long term of prohibition, the consumption rates have increased. Like in the 1920s with alcohol, there is now a huge black market that sells marijuana and its essentially lead by organized criminal groups. According to Steve Nelson, Marijuana offenses accounted for 48. 3 percent of all drug arrests in 2012 (Nelson) and more than 80 percent of marijuana arrests are now for simple possession (Kilmer,etc. . United States government spends enormous amounts of money in the fght against drugs and the criminal groups grow more and more each day. Alcohol prohibition was considered a failure and, actually, we are experiencing some situations today that the United States taced in the 920s Since betore marihuana was prohibited, the drug was used in a medical way. It has been proven that cannabis used as a medicine can relieve chronic pain, which is cause by a significant number of pain- producing illnesses.Marijuana can assist many mental health problems, such as attention deficit disorder (ADD), post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and depressions. It can also be used as an analgesic (painkiller) or an anti- inflammatory drug for autoimmun e diseases, diseases that arise when the body cannot create an appropriate immune response to substances or tissues present ormally on the body. Such diseases could be rheumatoid arthritis, complex sympathetic dystrophy, and so on (Bearman). California was the first state in the United States that legalized medical marijuana.One of the negative results of this legalization is the significant increase of individuals seeking treatment for marijuana abuse or dependence (Kilmer, etc. ). This could mean that there has been an increase in consumption. One interpretation of this phenomenon is that people which use marijuana as a recreational drug rather than a medical drug, seek treatment not to eal with a substance abuse but to manage a legal problem (Kilmer,etc. ). Even though marijuana can be used as a medical supplement, this does not mean it do not have secondary effects on human ‘s bodies.Marijuana can also get to be harmful. In fact, THC (The major component in cannabis that g ets you â€Å"high†) by binding to receptors in the basal ganglia and cerebellum can disrupt coordination and balance of the body. Therefore doing complicated tasks such as driving, participation in sports, or learning is affected. One of the long lasting effects cannabis can produce on you is psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia. This illness alters a person's ability to make good Judgments, understand reality, communicate or think clearly.Memory can also be affected by marijuana consumers, studies has proven that THC alters how information is processed in the hippocampus, a brain area responsible for memory information (National drug Institute). According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, marijuana also affects your cardiovascular system. After a few minutes of inhaling marijuana smoke, the heart rate, which is normally between 70 to 80 beats per minute, may increase by 20 to 50 beats or even double in some cases. Mixing marihuana with other drugs can amplify thi s effect.This means that a person's risk of heart attack during the first hour after smoking is about four times his usual risk. (National Institute on Drug Abuse) Before legalizing and decriminalizing the use and possession of marijuana, a regulation system should be instituted, that, like Douglas Mcvay stated, should not be the same as systems used during the legalization of tobacco and alcohol. Those models of legalization taught the world and the United States a lesson of how not to regulate the use of these drugs (McVay).Cigarettes and alcohol advertising companies spend significant amounts of money to promote the use of their products which ultimately contributes to many health problems and eventually the death for many users. An example of a non-regulated drug after it was legalized was after the repeal of alcohol prohibition, where the death rate from liver cirrhosis increased dramatically (McVay). To prevent the abuse of marijuana, governments should build a system to regul ate its use. An important part of the system build for legalization according to RAND Corporation is the price the drug is going to have.

Jeremy’s First Day Essay

Jeremy was very excited.   His eyes popped open even before his alarm clock rang. He had been waiting for this day all summer.   It was his first day at his new school.   Jeremy’s mom promised him that this school was going to be even more fun then the one he went to when they lived in his old house before they moved to this town. Jeremy jumped out of bed and quickly got dressed in the outfit had had picked out especially for his first day. He combed his hair and brushed his teeth like his dad told him he should do every morning. Jeremy’s parents were just sitting down to breakfast and were very surprised went he walked into the room. â€Å"My, you sure got ready awfully quickly† said Jeremy’s mother. â€Å"Are you all ready for school?† asked Jeremy’s dad. Then he added, â€Å"Do you think a pancake would help?† Jeremy smiled, â€Å"It sure would!† After they ate Jeremy’s mother looked at her watch and sprung from her chair â€Å"Where did the time go?   We’re going to be late!† They ran to the car and waved good-bye to Jeremy’s dad who reminded him to be good. Jeremy’s mother drove quickly and they got to school just in time.   Jeremy hugged and kissed her good bye and she too reminded him to be good. As he walked into the building, he heard his mom tell him to â€Å"knock their socks off!† Jeremy got to his classroom just as the bell rang and found a seat in the very middle.   All of the other second graders looked at him in wonder.   His dad had told him to expect this.   Jeremy was the new kid.   People would look at him because they didn’t know him and they would be curious about what he was like.   They might want to know about where he was from and what kinds of things he liked to do.   His mom said it might feel funny to be looked at like an animal in a zoo, but that they didn’t mean any harm, and as soon as they were used to him, they would all be friends. The teacher stepped in front of the class and wished them a good morning.   She wrote her name on the board and began to call out the children’s names. â€Å"Anna Abbott?† â€Å"Here† â€Å"Nicholas Baca?† â€Å"Here.† â€Å"Jeremy Dennis?† â€Å"Here.† Everyone got quiet and looked at Jeremy very hard.   Then suddenly a girl in the front row said, â€Å"You’re not a boy!† â€Å"How come he’s wearing a dress?† asked the boy sitting next to Jeremy.   Then everyone began to talk excitedly.   They all wanted to know if Jeremy was a boy then why he was wearing a dress. Jeremy was confused.   No one had ever asked him about his clothes before.   Other students in the class were wearing dresses and no one seemed to notice. The teacher quieted the class and turned to Jeremy. â€Å"Are you Jeremy Dennis?† â€Å"Yes, I am† said Jeremy. â€Å"Welcome to class Jeremy.†Ã‚   She then went back to calling the role. The first day was a very long one.   At recess, everyone wanted to know about Jeremy’s old town and school, but mostly they wanted to know why he was wearing a dress.   Some of the students were very nice and some were not.   Some of them asked questions about what kinds of games Jeremy liked to play and were excited to have him on their soccer team because Jeremy was very good.   Some said mean things to him about his clothes.   Jeremy wondered if their parents had told them to be good this morning too. By the end of the day, Jeremy had learned that even though the school didn’t have any rules about clothes, boys at this school only wore shorts and pants, but girls were allowed to wear anything they wanted.   This seemed unfair to Jeremy. At dinner, he explained to his parents the funny rules the children at this school followed.   Jeremy’s mother sighed and told him that everyone one and everywhere is different and he just had to decide which rules he wanted to follow. That night, as he went to sleep, Jeremy knew exactly what he was going to wear the next day. Discussion Plan This story addresses gender issues are well as the role of authority and rule making and breaking.   Some questions that approach these issues could include: Why did the child say Jeremy was not a boy? What is the difference between a boy a girl? Why do the boys not wear dresses? Are their rules that you follow that are not written down? How do you learn about these rules. Who decides these rules? How do you know if these rules are fair? Other topics to address would be sayings like â€Å"where did the time go?† and what it means to â€Å"be good.†